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Virtual Procurement


Introducing Ebit’s Virtual Procurement Service

Can you imagine having a complete procurement team on call to provide support when you need it? Ebit’s Virtual Procurement model gives you that flexibility for a monthly fixed fee.

We will provide access to our team of highly experienced consultants on a fixed monthly cost basis, providing you with budget certainty and support when needed. We have an extensive and growing client base that already benefit from our services, why not find out how?

The Virtual Procurement service includes;

  • A virtual procurement team that can be utilised to support or bridge any gaps within your existing skills base.
  • Ability to pull from our network of knowledgeable category specialists and experienced generalists to suit your needs and the project requirements.
  • Resource that can work across any procurement activity, project or task, and all Indirect categories as required.
  • Stakeholder engagement to ensure your business & team make the most of the opportunities available.
  • Remote training, coaching and development for procurement and non-procurement teams.
  • Access to templates and tools for tenders and supplier management.
  • Opportunity to identify and implement supplier service improvements.
  • Cost savings are delivered to your bottom-line as contract changes are implemented.
  • Taking advantage of our extensive insight and intelligence to support the procurement process.
  • A fixed-price solution to provide cost certainty with flexible remote delivery when you need it most.
  • Uploadingof existing contracts onto our Contract Management Software, providing management and reporting of contract compliance.
  • Ongoing use & access to our contract management system, including all alerting and compliance reporting.

We can deliver significant savings for your business, starting with your phone bill.

Click here and we’ll call you back.

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