stationery procurement consultancy

Spend category highlight: Stationery & consumables

How many suppliers does your company use to buy stationery and consumables?

We often see businesses with multiple stationery contracts, or with consumables sourced from a variety of suppliers.

By consolidating spend it’s possible to negotiate better prices resulting from the bigger aggregated volume.

You could also save money by:
– Ordering online using a personalised ordering portal
– Taking just one delivery every couple of weeks
– Avoiding stockpiling in a cupboard tying up cash when you can order next-day

There are other benefits too. Fewer suppliers means fewer invoices to process!

Typically, when we review stationery and consumables we save a business 25%+ on like-for-like products with no drop in quality, particularly given Ebit’s knowledge of what is fair to be paying for this type of product.

Image explains how businesses can save money and reduce costs by procurement of stationery and consumables

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