Meet The Team: Tracey Longmuir

Tracey Longmuir has recently joined the Ebit team as a Procurement Consultant. Tracey works alongside our team of consultants to deliver expert procurement knowledge and advice, ensuring our clients achieve the best outcomes with their procurement projects.

What does your role encompass?

Supporting the client with their indirect procurement requirements

What are you enjoying most about working for Ebit?

I love what I do, getting to know the client, and understanding how I can support and meet their needs. I also have a brilliant work life balance which is great when needing to juggle the challenges of being a single parent and working full time.

What does your average workday look like?

I work from home, so It’s usually mixed with working through clients requests, which can include data analysis, presenting data and results and project work, whilst keeping the puppies fed, watered and walked so I can have the peace I need to deliver everything else!

How can Ebit help businesses as they prepare for 2023?

We’re a fresh pair of eyes on the status quo, we can see opportunities from the outside of the clients business and are not bound by any company politics. We are delivering opportunities to work smarter, more efficiently, deliver savings and ultimately improve the value the internal stakeholders receive from the procurement function. This can be a joint effort with the in-house team or as a standalone managed service. This ultimately reduces cost, wastage and the need for more staff in a time of economic uncertainty and an insecure future for many businesses.

What’s your professional background?

I have experienced both client and supplier side of the process when It comes to procurement. My early specialism was marketing, printing and direct mail and data, buying and outsourcing.  It’s then grown into a full suite of Professional Services, facilities and a variety of related services, licenses and subscriptions. I’ve outsourced in-house production from a factory and also sat within client premises managing teams of buyers in a service delivery operation.

What would your advice be to someone who is considering procurement as a career?

Only take it on if you enjoy the hard work of getting to the end goal, as much as achieving the goal!

What was your first ever job?

My first job was working as a Saturday girl in Thurstons (now Greggs) at the age of 14. My first full-time job was working as a junior camera operator in a printers.

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy doing?

I love countryside walks with my dogs and my son and also spending time with family and friends and taking time out to enjoy the here and now

Do you have a favourite quote?

“Yesterday is history, tomorrows a mystery and todays a gift. That’s why they call it the present”

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have 2 dogs. The first is a 2 year old JRT X Staffy called Jimi and the second is still just a puppy, she’s a 13 week old Frenchie called Lucy. Both are rescue dogs that love to join me on country walks.

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