Marc Chapman, Head of Procurement Consultancy

Meet the team: Marc Chapman, Head of Procurement Consultancy

Marc Chapman, Head of Procurement Consultancy

Marc Chapman joined Ebit in December 2021. As Head of Procurement Consultancy, Marc leads consultant and client engagement to deliver best possible outcomes to Ebit’s clients.

“We have a great team here at Ebit and we all want to do the best for our clients”.

What’s your professional background?

“Sales, Customer Service and Procurement”.

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy doing?

“Spending time with my wife Fiona, walking our two dogs (Alfie and Ruby), and I like playing a round of golf”.

What is something that procurement professionals have to deal with that you want to help fix?

“The stigma that Procurement professionals are only interested in cutting costs and not considering the service element”.

If you could only use one piece of technology, what would it be?

“My Surface laptop”.

What was your first ever job?

“I funded my apprenticeship and studies with three jobs: Pizza delivery, warehouse operative, and I helped my parents with their Bistro in Berlin as a bartender”.

Do you have a favourite book? Why is it your favourite?

“‘Raving Fans’ by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles or ‘Way of the peaceful warrior’ by Dan Millman. Both books have influenced me in my life and helped me to be the person I am today”.

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