Ebit logo, procurement consultancy, procurement consultants

At Ebit, we are here to offer whatever help and support you might need over the coming weeks.  As a business we appreciate the pressures you are probably feeling right now and we all face uncertain times ahead so we are keen to personally offer whatever support we can.

As a team we have worked in indirect buying and procurement for over 30 years. You can contact us at any time at no cost to you to run any ideas or challenges past us, get our input, chat anything through that might help you or the business over the coming weeks.

We’ve got a large contact network including other businesses within your industry, suppliers, etc so again, tap us up if you want any details.

As a business we are continuing to operate as normal doing most of our work remotely.  Our clients are keen to continue with our cost reduction work in these challenging times and many are facing similar challenges so again, if we can act as a vehicle to share ideas and bring people together, just ask.

It is important that we all pull together in these unprecedented times: Ebit is here to help.

Contact us here.