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Meet The Team: Justin Gordon-Farleigh


Meet The Team: Justin Gordon Farleigh

Justin Gordon-Farleigh has recently joined the Ebit Business Growth team as a Business Growth Specialist. Justin brings a wealth of experience in direct business development and marketing to the team. Justin works closely with our clients and our team of consultants to ensure we identify opportunities to deliver high quality procurement projects.

Having most recently worked within the Compliance and Fintech spaces Justin has a keen interest in providing top quality solutions to his clients needs. Justin will be helping future clients discover the Ebit difference across multiple industries. Who knows, he may even be reaching out to introduce himself to you!

What does your role encompass?

Helping Ebit identify and approach organisations that can benefit from our unique services and how we can grow. It’s business development and lead generation, but on a more targeted and personal level.

What do you enjoy most about working for Ebit?

The team are all great people to work with and procurement is a really interesting & relevant subject matter.

How can Ebit help businesses to navigate the current commercial climate?

The combination of our end-to-end indirect procurement services is reflected in a positive impact on our clients bottom line. Our services include market intelligence, data insights, Contract Management Software, consultancy services and Virtual Procurement help bring a 5:1 ROI over the first 12 months for our clients.

What’s your professional background?

My whole life has been sales driven in various B2B organisations deploying face to face, email and telemarketing with many years spent as a Microsoft Certified Sales Specialist. I’ve been lucky enough to work with several organisations and learn about many markets and the challenges that they can face.

What is something people in procurement have to deal with that you want to help fix?

Lack of control over rising costs, which is difficult to both manage and reduce. Procurement teams are often fighting fires, and do not have the time to focus across all areas. We help to deliver the analytical insights and 100% focus on driving costs down by leveraging our Subject Matter Experts and tools.

This can deliver 5:1 ROI in the first 12 months for clients, saving money which can be apportioned elsewhere in the business and having a positive impact on the bottom line of companies we work with.

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy doing?

Gardening, walking, visiting historic sites and National Trust visits are the main activities I enjoy when I am not working.

I make it my weekly mission to walk a new route that I have never walked before and I have a long standing love of the British countryside

Do you have a favourite quote?

Treat others as you would like to be treated

If you could only use one piece of technology, what would it be?

I can’t choose just one ….. I’d like to say my 1960’s record player, but also my Alexa Studio is invaluable nowadays!

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