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Meet The Team: Chris Britton


Meet The Team: Chris Britton

Chris Britton has recently joined the Ebit team as a Business Growth Partner. Chris works closely with our clients and our team of consultants to ensure we identify opportunities to deliver high quality procurement projects.

With a strong background in business growth, management and launching new businesses as well as deep level experience across manufacturing, retail and food, Chris brings experience and expertise to our clients and proactively supports new clients.

Primarily focused on our new Virtual procurement business model, Chris is working with SME businesses to understand their unique challenges and develop our solution to best suit their needs.

What does your role encompass? 

My role is to launch the new Virtual Procurement proposition and onboard new clients as well as support those we have already worked with. This is all with the aim of enabling our team of consultants to deliver amazing procurement projects for clients.

What do you enjoy most about working for Ebit? 

I have been welcomed very enthusiastically, it doesn’t take long to feel like part of the team. The business is well set up, allowing me to learn quickly which will help me be successful.  

What is something people in procurement have to deal with that you want to help fix?  

I want to help people and businesses – full stop. Everyone wants to look good, everyone has super high targets to achieve, and everyone is busy – if I can help take a little bit of that pain away and help someone sleep a little better at night then I have done what I set out to achieve. The main area I think I can help procurement professionals deal with is navigating the move from transactional to strategic aims – this is something I have been helping teams to do successfully for years.  

How have you adapted to remote working?  

Interestingly, I have gone the other way! I have worked remotely for 12 years and craved a bit of office ‘peace and stability’ since having my daughter. I do a day a week down in Dorchester, although client meetings/events etc will of course determine how much time I can spend in the office.  

What was your first ever job?

Well, my first full time job was at Sainsbury’s, which I started while I should have been focusing on GCSE’s and going to college. Before that from about 12/13 years old, I used to deliver leaflets and work in a Chinese restaurant.

If you were an Olympic athlete, which sport would you compete in? Why?  

In the 1904 Olympics, there was an event called ‘Plunge for Distance’. Basically you dive into the pool and see how far you can swim underwater. I don’t want to brag too much, but I can nearly do an entire length of a 25-metre pool. It also strikes me as a fairly risk-free Olympic event and one that would need to be practised year round in sunny climes, like Menorca.  

If you could only use one piece of technology, what would it be? 

Living without a phone would be difficult – that’s a smartphone, obviously not a landline (do they still exist?). However, living without my Nespresso machine would be even harder (other coffee machines are available). It is the first thing I see in the morning, it provides me with an aromatic, warming hug, and the whirring sound of it filling up my mug soothes the soul.  

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